Tutorial Missions

Here you will find a free series of branching missions to allow you to play a small campaign that introduces you to the game while following a mysterious pilgrim who upon arriving in Rome falls on the wrong side of the dangerous Orsini clan. On this page, you will find…

  • A series of linked scenarios with the core rules necessary for playing them.
  • Printouts of assembled warbands with their cards for playing the scenarios
  • Standees of the miniatures needed to play the game
  • printable virtue tokens
  • A player reference sheet.

Each scenario includes the core rules needed for that mission in brief, but if you want a more in-depth explanation of a rules section as explained by a designer see our Youtube playlist for the section you want more detail on or contact us in the Discord

No Models? No problem! We have printable standees. You will also need to download the Reference Sheet with the Crit Tables and some Virtue tokens from the links below

Karl has a great video explaining some of the basic mechanics
Check out cry Havoc Wargaming’s run-through of the tutorial missions!

Episode 1 – A Slight Misunderstanding

You will learn…

Virtue Rolls

Fight Actions

Rally Rolls

A mysterious pilgrim has arrived in a tavern in Rome, la Casa dei Cerubi, the haunt of sadistic Luca Orsini, nephew of the equally unpleasant Bruno Orsini, the Orsini clan member who is entrusted with control of this Rione of Rome. When the pilgrim sees Luca Orsini shaking down fellow pilgrims for cash he asks him to stop in the name of the lord and the holy cross. No man dare challenge an Orsini and before the pilgrim even knows what’s happening steel is drawn. However the mysterious pilgrim did not come to Rome to atone for a life of peace and the Orsini may have just miscalculated who they are dealing with.

Did the Pilgrim Win?

Episode 2A – Get to the Workshop!

You will learn…

Activating Troops


Group Combats


Did the Pilgrim Lose?

Episode 2B – Rescue Mission!

You will learn…

Activating Troops


Group Combats


Episode 3

Coming to an “Understanding”

You will learn…

