Streets of the Fencing Masters



Thieves, brawls, local nobility looking to take over the town, feuds, assassins and things that go bump in the night. Things are tough when it’s your turn as nightwatch. Locally you and your friends are fencers!

Requires Stara Szkola main rulebook.

This expansion takes you into the world of the warlike burgher of the Middle Ages. Burghers spent most of their energies on production and trade within their cities. But close behind trade, and brewing, baking and candlestick making, the burghers spend a great deal of time preparing for and engaging in various types of armed strife. Within medieval cities, political turmoil, factional disputes, labor unrest, and full-fledged uprisings are all fairly common.

All citizens of these towns between the ages of 16 and 60 are obliged to serve regularly in the town watch. Beyond the town walls, the towns must protect trade on the roads by force of arms. They must contend with robber knights and aggressive warlords. All citizens serve in the militia, the citizen army of the town.

It is perhaps for these reasons that the unique Martial Arts systems of Late Medieval Europe emerged largely in the towns. Many burghers spend time learning sophisticated fencing techniques. Even more important for the town defense is skill at marksmanship, and burghers also spend a great deal of time learning to shoot accurately.

Streets of The Fencing Master gives you everything you and your players need to hit the cobblestoned streets running. Rules for using skils in combat, two new character classes (The Fencing Master and the Merchant Patrician), eleven new fighting traits for your characters, a new setting location – the medieval free city, and a micro adventure: Trobule for the Town Watch.

Streets of The Fencing Master is the first in a series of supplements which will be bundled together with SSk so as to be very low cost as long as you own the SSk rules. The idea is to make SSk a highly customizable experience, in which you can decide which walks of life you want to focus your attention.


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